Friday, June 18, 2010

Should i shave my pubic hair?

i have a LOT of pubic hair and even though it's not uncomfortable, i dunno if i should shave it. and i have a line of hair up to my navel so i can't wear shirts that show my stomach...

Should i shave my pubic hair?

If you want to.

Should i shave my pubic hair?

well if you want to wear shirts that show your stomach than no one is stopping you

Should i shave my pubic hair?

go ahead, if u dont like it, it always grows back

guys dont like hair down there

Should i shave my pubic hair?

i suggest waxing instead of shaving it last longer and the hair doesnt grow back as thick. it may hurt the first couple of times if never doen before but u will get use to the pain

Should i shave my pubic hair?

if you want to shave it...beware of the itching that will come when it starts growing for the navel hair..dont shave it..get it waxed!

Should i shave my pubic hair?

do it, you'll love it

Should i shave my pubic hair?


Should i shave my pubic hair?

um yes that realy does need to be shaved but be careful down there u defintley dont want a dull razor and get razor bumps u should try Nair or Sally Hansens spray on remover

Should i shave my pubic hair?

dont shave it! wax it

Should i shave my pubic hair?

shave hair with razor blade like u would with shaving your face

Should i shave my pubic hair?

Umm some guys (including me) like woman with natural hair down there. Not all guys like it shaved off, not to mention if you shave down there, it will itch and grow back pretty fast anyway.

Should i shave my pubic hair?

i would strongly suggest shaving down there and shaving ur trail. men just find it very unnatractive and would not enjoy seeing hair on your stomach or pubic region. with that said, it is ur body and u should do what makes u feel comfortable. if the question is do most men like hair down there the answer is no, most men would prefer a women to be shaved.

Should i shave my pubic hair?

Yeah if you have hair up to your naval you should shave it cause not too attractive. LOL

Should i shave my pubic hair?

yesss. me and all my friends do lol.

Should i shave my pubic hair?

I would wax the bikini line and the stomach. I would trim the rest. Just keep it neat and contained.

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