Well, my hair is already long. I get told I'm a hippie, and that by Christian standards I am "a shame unto myself". However, I grew up in a Christian family. Now that I'm an adult, I have started to question religion of all kinds. Can someone actually show me a place in the Bible where it says I can't have long hair. That CAN'T be disproved. Such as..."Jesus had short hair he was Nazerite or w/e" Well, there is a place where it says the hairs were plucked from his beard. If he didn't have a beard. How was his hair pulled? Even if this is proven I won't cut my hair. The bible says "Doth not what nature teaches even." Well, if I shouldn't then why did "he" make nature this way?
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
1 Corinthians 11:14
Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him,
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
Suit yourself.
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
Church of the Eternal Crew Cut.
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
Do what ever you want to do it really does not mater.
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
who says christians can't have long hair?
that's stupid lol
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
God sees your heart not your hair so be set free and let your hair down baby its about your life style and your heart for God not you looks be blessed
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
There is none, they are mis-interpreting the Bible.
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
i don't remember ever reading about short hair/long hair in the Bible.
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
The Old Testament contains many historical instructions which were applicable to the Jewish culture of the times.
Hair length is irrelevant except in your reason for it. If it is to honor or dishonor then it has secondary meaning that you yourself ascribe to it. We are called to modesty and humility, not pride.
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
Biblically, men with hair longer than their shoulders, shows that they have too much female hormones. That's why it was called "a disgrace."
Personally, I think it shows immaturity and rebelliousness. Not very Christian traits, for sure.
God bless!
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
sampson's long hair gave him power until delila cut it off...
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
there isn't anything wrong with long hair. my hair is kinda long, and i love the Lord and people who see that can't find it in themselves to call me a hippie.
God created hair to grow, if you like it that way, let it grow and praise God for giving you such flowing hair, there are too many of us who are bald out there.
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
Jesus is not going to be scratching his head over your head.If you want to grow long hair %26amp; still be a chirstian ,you sure can.Hope your folks dont spank you though.When are you guys going to ask some matured questions?
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
Paul had recommendations for hair in some of his epistles--I am thinking Corinthians maybe? But you do have to keep in mind that these were written in the context of the times, customs and culture of the day. I know that the Bible is timeless, but you do have to have some common sense or you'd be wanting to still wear the robes the ancient Jews wore or something.
I think the general precept to be applied here is not to dress or wear your hair in such as way as to appear to be crossing gender norms or identifying yourself with a segment of society/culture that is somehow considered immoral, indecent, immodest, or un-Christianlike. I have heard a sermon, for example, that Paul's letter against short hair on women was in response to the pagan temple prostitutes of the day whose custom is was to wear extremely short hairstyles. (So any woman with short hair would be immediately categorized as a prostitute.)
I don't think there is one style or length of hair that is right or wrong for men, but again the idea is NOT conforming to the world's standards and trying to live by God's standards. Yes, Christians should look on the heart as God does, but the world won't, and some Christians don't either, so if something you are doing is calling so much negative attention to yourself that people are questioning your faith, then it's obviously something you really need to do some soul-searching on. Paul covered this concept in his letter about eating meat offered to idols---though we are under grace, if something seems to be sin to a weaker brother, we should abstain from it so as not to be a stumbling block to them.
Don't go by what others are telling you, but search the Scriptures for yourself and search your heart. I'm thinking that the comments you are getting and the questioning you are doing may be the Holy Spirit's way of convicting you that it may not be the best way for you to "let your light shine" for Christ!
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
There is NO Admonition... in The Bible.... about MEN... having Long Hair !
BUT...... when most teens..... GROW INTO ADULTS.... they DO NOT HAVE..... LONG HAIR!
The WORD... you need to Investigate IS:..."MATURATION!"
Those that HAVE LONG HAIR..... do not do well.... in the Business Community !
So..... simply ....." GROW UP!"
Thanks for NOT Asking ! RR
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
1 Corinthians 6:12 says: "All things are lawful for me; but not all things are advantageous..."
Just because we [as Christians] CAN do something, it doesn't mean we SHOULD do something.
As a Christian, our primary objective should be glorifying Jehovah God and preaching the message of his Kingdom government. If the way we look detracts from that, then we may want to re-evaluate our priorities.
Some things are different in different areas. Around here, Jehovah's Witnesses are discouraged from wearing beards or mustaches (the males of course lol). In Alaska, though, facial hair is common place and it's not a big deal.
In a lot of places, a guy having long hair makes some people think of rebelliousness or being a "hippie" or being "lazy" etc.
If it's not something you'd be willing to change, though, then it really doesn't matter one way or another.
Hope this has helped some.
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
The Bible teaches that women should not "bob" their hair (1 Corinthians 11:5-15), or wear pants (Deuteronomy 22:5; 1 Timothy 2:9), or wear excessive and needless jewelry (1 Peter 3:3-5). I have come to realize the fact that these are biblical passages that support such convictions. Now it is up to you to decide that for yourself. Pray and ask God to show you what His desire is for your life. If you are sincere and honest, He will show you.
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
I'm going Samson I know where my strength lies
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
rather than base your belief on what some others say and do, base your belief on reality. So, there is no law in the Bible about whether or not your hair should be long , but some Christians , out of their flesh and humanness have judged you about it- does that make it the problem of Christianity or the problem of a few people??
Challenge them to show you where it says your hair should be short- while you are at it, ask them this- are we under the Law?? It is more than likely these are the same people that claim that God's law is no longer valid as Jesus came to abolish it - How is it that God's perfect law is supposedly null and void yet Christians can make up their own law and condemn people for something as silly and insignificant as a haircut.
Do not follow after and base your faith on fallible man who looks upon a man and judges him from the outside- base your faith on the infallible God who looks upon the heart and counts you righteous for your faith- not your hair!
Don't try to conform yourself to modern Christian standards that change with the blowing of the wind-
Put your faith in God, obey His commands and He will make your paths straight
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
don't wory about it, wory more about how to better show others christ. Most Jewish men had beards in Christ's time and there has been a long tradtion of beared and longed haired Monks priests and Bishops in the Orthodox church as they view actions speak louder than looks.
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
hi my beloved brother bible clearly state that for a man to have lone hair it is a shame unto him....1 Corinthians11:14 u can have a beard as long as it is neat...remember you're a part of the body of christ...the new church and not the old tabernacle...peace....God bless you
Christian Bible. Should I grow my hair long?
Tell god to make up his fuking mind
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