Okay I usually go to Target and get L'oreal Champagne Blonde and I have brown hair and the first time it showed cute blonde then it went red the next day kinda. Then when my roots started showing I dyed it again, went cute blonde then the reddish blonde. I want a full blonde color kinda like a caramel color like my mom had and we have the same color but she got in done in a salon. Is it possible for anything good to turn out in the store bought boxes or are salons better? They're really expensive though, the salons. I always go to Fantastic Sams for a trim and my mom got her dye there too and it was around $45. Gahh I hate the prices!
Hair Dye problem?
I think, any way you try salons, are the best.....maybe you shouldn;t use the same cute blonde, becuase the collor is red blonde try another and see what happens, even if you are not black =] i heard black and beautiful, also the same Loreal are good brands, try some other brand, good luck =]
Hair Dye problem?
Try using hair dye colors that have ash in it these takes the reddish tones out of ur hair.
Hair Dye problem?
just go to a hair salon and have them do lt plzzzzzzzz
Hair Dye problem?
if you dont want to spend the money try another brand, also is it permanent or non? they color on the box may not be what you get--it does the best it can with what color you have at that moment. I would go to a salon because they will be able to get it to the color you want better then a box can.
Hair Dye problem?
you could try another brand or you could try anther shade of blonde
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